CERD Report - Concluding observations on Sweden's report
Type of publication
Geographical coverage
Area/location of interest
Type of Institution
UN body
Main Thematic Focus
Hate crime
Target Population
General population
Key findings
In late 2019, the CERD published their concluding observations and criticism in relation to Sweden, which also included the Committee's concern over the situation for Swedish Muslims. The Committee regretted that the Sweden had not indicate in its report, the specific measures taken to guarantee the security of property belonging to Muslim ethno-religious minority groups. The Committee also regretted that Sweden did not take adequate and concrete measures to ensure funding and affordable insurance aimed at promoting the safety of mosques and other common property.
Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)
As all committee reports, the concluding observations were based on 1) the country report, 2) parallell reports by civil society organisations, 3) discussions with the country representatives and the committee.
Sample details and representativeness
CERD’s reports are analyses based on a great deal of information gathered from a wide variety of sources, such as data from national authorities and monitoring bodies and non-governmental organisations.